Friday, September 23, 2016

#IMMOOC Introduction

A few quotes resonated with me when reading this introduction. "Change is an opportunity to do something amazing" would be the first. I immediately thought of Kid President and the multitude of videos he has produced on the topic of "Being Awesome".  His pep talks are the best.

In our district, we have a "Drive your own device" policy - where we want kids to learn how to use their devices for learning. We don't have a lot of criteria or rules set up, other than, kids are allowed to use devices to learn.

Another quote that I reflected on was "Technology affords us opportunities we did not have before". We have many teachers who are still using technology as very expensive pencils. We have to start somewhere, but we can't get stagnate. We have to keep moving!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily! Thanks for posting! I'm loving this #immooc extended learning activities!

    Totally agree with the push forward! We might not even know exactly where we're going, BUT we know we're going somewhere great!
